Monday, 16 July 2012


Dear Jellybean,

I'm honest. We've already established that. I can be brutally honest. We already established that too That's why, I've come to the conclusion, that there are a few things in life I'm not afraid to admit. At one time, I was afraid to admit them. I kept them on the lowdown, tight, in lock-and-key fashion in my soul, fearing that if anyone found out that I'd be labeled even more of a freak ever.

But that was a long time ago, when I was younger and far too impressionable. I recently asked myself, "What the heck is the big deal?" If I'm afraid of admitting these things, does that mean I'm somehow ashamed of myself or even afraid to admit things to myself?

I can't stand for that. I go. Here are some things I've never experienced. And, no I don't think I'm pathetic. Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, something great IS going to come my way? It just hasn't happened yet. But I know it will. Someday.

I've never had a proper boyfriend: Trust me, I've dated plenty of guys I wish would have turned into long-term boyfriends, but nothing ever materialized. I often wondered: Is it my personality? Maybe they just don't want to be with someone like me, and why would they when they could have their pick of beautiful women? Women who could probably do a lot more than I could.

I've never driven a car: This one sounds lame but I just have never had the chance to own a vehicle or drive one. I recently did get a drivers license but that doesn't mean I can handle an automobile on the open highway.

Oh gosh, this is beginning to make me look absolutely pathetic, isn't it? That, or I'm incredibly attractive for my brutal honesty. Yes, that's it. I'm going to go with the second option.

What are some things you've never done that you've always kept secret? It's time to let those secrets OUT!


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